AAEP Board of DirectorsOfficers of the American Association for Emergency Psychiatry are elected by members. Each elected position serves terms of two to four years with limits of two consecutive terms, with the exception of Executive Director. An Executive Director may be selected by the Board of Directors and serves as a nonvoting member of the Board of Directors. The voting members of the Board consist of the Officers of the Association and four at large members. A nominating committee composed of the three most recent past presidents selects the candidate slate. To read more about the specific positions of board officers and councilors at large, please review AAEP's bylaws.
OfficersPresident, 2022-2024 Junji Takeshita, MD, FACLP John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaii Honolulu, HI Read Bio
President-Elect, 2022-2024
Immediate Past President, 2022-2024
Executive Director
At-Large Directors
Victor Stiebel, MD
Tara P. Toohey, MD
Michael Wilson, MD